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8/25/2024 -- 9th, 10th, 11th English

Remember that the final copy of your essay is due at the beginning of class Tuesday. No late papers will be accepted. If you are absent Tuesday, you may email it to me or turn it in at the beginning of class Wednesday. Also, the rough draft (the one I returned to you Thursday) should be placed behind the final copy. This will ensure that I look only for those items marked on that paper. If you email your essay to me, you may give me the rough draft when you return to class.

There should be a note at the bottom of the final copy stating that you have not received any help with this essay. Your signature and a parent/guardian signature should accompany the note. I will not ask for this on every essay; however, it is important on the first few essays.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in our little paradise Tuesday.

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